You can do just about anything online these days, including taking piano lessons. There are many virtual piano lesson apps, and some instructors even provide live instruction over video calls. While these seem like a convenient way to learn the piano, we’re routinely asked if online piano lessons are effective.
While many people learn to play piano with the help of online instruction, there are a few trade-offs and they can’t fully replace the value of in-person lessons but they might have a place for some students. Let’s look at online piano lessons, how they work, and a few things you need to know and consider when deciding if they’re right for you or someone in your family.
Online piano lessons are just that — piano lessons taken online. There are a variety of lesson plans and apps that will teach you to play a variety of styles of music on the piano. They’ve gained popularity because they’re an easily approachable way to try out the piano for little, if any, cost or commitment.
One of the features of online lessons that attracts a lot of people is that they can be done on your own time from the comfort of their own home. You aren’t limited to scheduling availability, and you don’t have to go anywhere.
While this can be convenient, it can also be limiting compared to working with an in-person instructor who will introduce you to a well-rounded range of concepts, challenge you, and hold you accountable. It’s a lot easier to skip a lesson when nobody’s watching. And there’s little argument that even though online lessons have a place, you’ll learn more and you’ll learn it faster with help from an instructor.
We regularly work with students who find a lot of value in doing online lessons in addition to their in-person instruction. They tell us that working with an instructor provides them with a formal structure and basis for playing while using an online practice app makes daily practice more fun and interesting with games and other features.
Do you want to learn to play piano? Or are you an established player looking to get to the next level? We offer in-studio lessons on professional equipment at our Chesapeake and Virginia Beach locations. Our instructors are passionate about helping beginners, kids, and adults achieve their goals. Best of all, our in-person lessons include access to our online practice library, so you get the benefit of a live instructor with the convenience of an online component that aligns with your lessons.
Do you want to learn how to play piano? Fox Music has incredible instructors that can help turn your dream into a reality. Contact us for enrollment information.
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